Living without money

This section is open to anyone, feel free to leave comment or to write us to complete it... the aim being to share our knowledge on how to live without money in harmony with the nature. Such an experience, so life-giving, cannot be left for a minority...everyone should have the chance to experience it...

1. What it takes?

To live without money in harmony with the world may seem not realistic... almost impossible. And yet, it is as simple as a smile. Money was just invented to trade one thing to another... money doesn't create anything... everything we need is there, we just have to ask for it. The hardest thing is to make the first step, to actually convince yourself you won't use more money. We are concious about the fact that living complety without any contact to the money world one has to go back to the cave or the woods. Streets, Electricity, Hospitals, Schools, Internet etc. everything is related to money, but we can make the difference in our personal life and feed the sick monetary system as less as possible. You will realise how creative you can get to obtain what you desire knowing there are no limits. We underestimate most of the time the goodness of the human beings... with our prejudices we never ask for what we want... and therefore we never get it. The truth is different, there are plenty of people out there waiting to give something to someone. But our individualistic society makes it harder, because it seems that we do not need our brothers and sisters anymore. A honnest gift is like a honey kiss, it makes people happy. All you need is to believe in the others... to ask...and to give! Sharing is everything and it feels so good to give as well as to receive.

2. Housing

A shelter for everyone... a dream that became a vision in the last years. Thanks to the housing crisis, the absurdity of this sytems has been revealed. We now know that we have been building too much houses that were not necessary, holidays houses, complex to be sell just for speculation, caprices from the richer... As a result there are in the world - especially in europe and the most developed countries- millions of houses that are empty, abandonned, unoccupied for the most part of the year. Some of these houses don't even belong to anyone such as in the Canaries, in Las Palmas where a whole block has been left by a bankrupted company that didn't have the chance to sell it. As a result, marginalised people and young free spirits have been occupying the space since, transforming this dead houses in joyful living homes.

To squat a house is a solution... another one is to talk to the owner and simply ask if you can stay in his house while it is empty. The latest option is always the best. There are no bad guys, we are all together and we must give a chance to everyone to give. And there are many other possibilties, like creating a new home made out of adobe and other natural provided resources. There is so much unoccupied land, just give it a go and talk to the owner of the land.

Spain is a perfect exemple: there is a law in Spain that forbid the speculation of properties. From this law came a tolerance on the squating of empty houses that belonged to speculators when these houses are used for the community. Therefore, it is the right for anyone to occupy a house and organise workshops or activities for the neighborhood. The situation is similar in other countries of the European Union even though less common.

3. Eating

In a world where people would share they wouldn't be any hunger. As a matter of fact, the world produce enough food to feed 12 billions of people. And yet, there is more than a billion of human beings who suffer from hunger... Why? Most of the food is produced for the meat industry to feed the cattles... moreover, modern societies, "civilized" societies such as occidental europeans, waste around 1/3 of the food. This non-sense must stop... and can be stop.

Vegetarianism, veganism and other conscious diets: There are no more doubts about the impact of the meat industry on the environment... the livestock industry is responsible for about 50% of all green house gases produced by humans in the world. Meat is also expensive and can rarely be obtained in good condition without buying. And we don't talk about all the negative energies transmitted through the meat coming from the suffering of the animals... Useful link

Dumpster Diving: In modern societies, bins are full of wasted food that is most of the time still good. For instance, most supermarkets throw away tons of products everyday. There is one step to make to overcome the idea that checking a trash is dirty, that it is not ethical to eat what comes from the trash, but the real question is if it is ethical to through food away while every 4 seconds a human being is dying of hunger. The bins of supermarkets are cleaned everyday... It is also possible, and advisable to go directly to the owner of the restaurants, bakkeries, markets and the supermarkt themself to ask them to leave you the products that are getting unpropered to sell. You might be surprised by the outcome... Useful link

Permaculture is an agricultural system that aims to copy the natural processes. It is easy to do and works in all conditions... it doesn't require any pesticides or other chemicals... just a bit of water, sun and love... Useful Link

4. Traveling

The main problem for traveling without money is the passport, and for some countries visa are requiered. Nevertheless for European or North American citizen it is easier since there are only few countries who charge for traveling in their coutnry. Except from that, the rest is easy. It is all about sharing and not be afraid to ask!

Hitchhiking: the best way to travel, it is free, fun, you meet great people and you even help them to reduce their carbon footprint! Check the article about it in the articles section. There is also a hitchwiki where you can find the best spots and other information on hitchhiking.

is a wonderful opportunity to meet other human beings while sharing their home. This network of good people is present all over the world. Amost 2 million people have created their profile and are readz to surf couches or to offer their own. The system has various security levels, it is safe and if you are affraid at the beginning just go to verified members and people who have many positive comments from other members. It makes traveling a whole lot easier and so much more interesting and profund. Check the article about it in the articles section.

WWOOF is a mouvement aiming to share ways of sustainable living. In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accommodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles. A great opportunity to get closer to the nature and travel around!

5. Living

Even when in a life without money, which is much more sustainble, you still produce trash, use light, water and other rescources, thats why it is important to always try to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. There are many ways to produce energy from renewable sources, the most comun and easiest to harvest are wind and the sun energy. You can find old solar panels which are a bit broken or just not so efficient anymore and use them for your electricity. Instead of getting new things, one can find plenty of unused stuff which is often troughn away or offered for free in the internet. Another great idea is to start a certain kind of FreeShop where everybody can take what he needs and leave what one does not need anymore, this "shops" can be organized in a living community, a public place like a school or kindergarden.  Reusing is another beatiful thing reducing your environmental impact and it also raises your creativity and is a lot of fun! You can reuse almost everything, from plastic, paper, cans and all other materials, but even better is not to use them at all. Useful link

Water is another really important resource and there are plenty of ways to reduce the consumption of it. First it needs to be understand that there are not only for an European for example 120 liter which we use directly, but that there is far more water used where we dont see it. Agriculture is the biggest water consumer in the world and more than half of all water is used for the livestock industy. Thus changing the diet and eat less meat and even better to become vegetarian or vegan is the best option. Useful link
Nevertheless every drop of water we can save is important, meaning showering less and shorter can make the difference. If you live close to a lake, river or the sea why not take a bath there, it's the most natural way, healthy and really pleasent!

Waste, we are wasting a lot...too much. We don't realize sometimes how much we waste. An average US american waste about 13 kilos per week, at the same time the US populatoin consume about 100 billions plastic bags in one year...they estimate that 4 billions worldwide end up as litter each year. Managing waste is becoming a priority specially whern it comes to plastic. Plastic bags, packages and other single-use products. However the soultion is easy...we just need to consume less and refuse any plastic packages! Some people made it real and explain how to do it in their blog: One year without waste

...Anything to add? Don't hesitate to leave a comment or write us an email: